Islamic Animated Film ‘Dajjal the Slayer and His Followers’ Dropped Second Trailer on Friday: New Animated Characters and Poster Revealed
Islamic Animated Film ‘Dajjal the Slayer and His Followers’ Dropped Second Trailer on Friday: New Animated Characters and Poster Revealed Watch Second Trailer Dubai – WBJ Media has finally released the second official trailer of the Dajjal Movie “ Dajjal The Slayer and His Followers. “An Animated Movie”, Dajjal The Slayer and His Followers’s second trailer, has proved a huge internet hit. Since it was released on YouTube, it has clocked up recorded hits. Titled “Dajjal The Slayer and His Followers,” the feature animated movie based on current Middle East crisis that will later be shaped of “World War three”. Following its first trailer release in July 2017, this new trailer sees the main animated characters showing their concept that will also be interesting to see how movie divided between ‘ Chosen People ’s ancient planned that shaped current Middle East crisis for dominating kingdom to controlling world an...